So with the 19th of July deemed the new “freedom day”, restrictions will be eased, masks will no longer be a legal requirement to be worn in shops, restaurants or on travel, although recommended. Whilst the pandemic is still not completely over, many have set their hearts on life returning to its state of normality, the way it was before coronavirus was a thing in anyone's mind. So how exactly is this somewhat mask free world going to be ? Will life magically return to how it used to be? Where seeing people wear a mask was odd and confusing, and sanitiser was only ever used when you had touched something particularly dirty or had a cold. With Boris Johnson proclaiming this date as the day of freedom day, many are hoping for this outcome, so in straightforward terms what does this mean for us?

As stated, a mask will no longer be a legal requirement, however you can still wear a mask if it makes you comfortable. After all, it will be an adjustment to how we have been living for nearly a year and a half. Sanitisers may still be available in stores to use if you wish, there is no confirmation on this, but it is something I think stores will most likely keep and it helps keep the population and their products clean. It will come as a relief not having to wear a mask, when the hotter days are upon us and we don't have to sweat under our masks from the added layers, as well as make up being smeared all over the lower half of my face from where my mask has rubbed against it.

At the end of the day, coronavirus is not something we are going to forget any time soon and its accompanying methods of cleanliness will be ones that may take a while to shift out of our regular routines, but this will all end eventually and life while resume to how we once knew it, but for now and after the 19th of July, do what makes you feel comfortable and safe, as we all get to the other side together.
Written By: Holly Proctor